"I saw what you were talking about on a website. I want to ask if you have any suggestions on good spots to book shows paid and unpaid for an artist I'm working with?" - GMoney
Answer: [Laughing] if there was a list of just that, wouldn't all of our jobs be that much easier?.... I suggest starting local and connect with establishments catering to the artist genre you represent and see if they host reputable showcases, open mics, concerts etc. that your client can participate in. Performing at these types of events will help build a physical buzz and brand development while putting you in the company of like-minded people to network with.
It's also good to look into regional and national music conferences that offer opportunities for indie talent to perform. Some of the larger more established conferences offer infinite opportunities for emerging artists. Google & due diligence will provide you with these events.
Regardless whatever avenue you choose booking shows for emerging indie talent is a full time job that takes the ability to properly network with the right people. If all else fails look into retaining a reputable booking agent.
Good Luck!